CAD/CAM/CAE Reviews and Tutorials

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Electrical CAD: ELautomation

PCschematic ELautomation

PCschematic ELautomation
The electrical CAD program
The Danish market leading electrical CAD software, developed by DpS CAD-center ApS:

PCschematic ELautomation is a stand-alone Windows based CAD program, specially designed for electrical CAD documentation.
The way we see it, the price/functionality ratio for PCschematic ELautomation is unparallelled in the world of electrical CAD.

Articles about electrical CAD
Electrical CAD Feature list
Electrical CAD Videos

Just Concentrate on the Electrical design
PCschematic ELautomation is designed from the basic concept of setting you free to concentrate on the electical design, while the program handles the practical side. Beyond the basic drawing functions, PCschematic offers you a comprehensive series of functions specially designed for electrical projects.

Designed for electrical documentation
Among these functions you will find:

  • A workfolw exclusively designed for electrical documentation - see video
  • All parts of the electrical documentation in one single file - see video
  • Automatically updated references between symbols for the same component - see video
  • Intelligent electrical symbols
  • Article data are attached automatically when placing symbols - see video
  • Automatic PLC functions and survey symbols for PLCs - see video
  • Automatic line drawing (router) option - see video
  • Intelligent handling of reference designations - read article
  • Intelligent renaming of components when copying - see video
  • Mechanical symbols and Measurement objects - see video
  • Support of mounting correct drawing
  • Support of single-line diagrams
  • Design check
  • Control of color codes for cablewires - read article
  • Automatic replacement of symbols - see video
  • Automatic renaming of symbols on project level
  • Automatic wire numbering
  • Automatic generation of graphical cable, terminal and connection plans - see video
  • Automatic updating of project and page data
  • Automatic project generation - see video
  • Creating projects by Module and Model Based Drag'n Draw - see video

You will soon become confident with the program, and the program buttons and menus follows the common Windows guidelines. A project file can contain an infinite number of pages, each page containing up to 255 layers. You can also work in different elevations, and draw isometrically.
- See also the electrical CAD feature list.

Plenty of IEC/EN symbols
Along with the program comes standard IEC/EN symbols for automation, installation, hydraulics / pneumatics and flow diagrams. Furthermore, you will find symbols for PLC, sensors and transducers, intelligent building installation, computer and telecommunication, alarm installations, as well as symbols for ground plan drawings. You can easily create your own symbols, and have your symbol libraries documented automatically.

35 component databases for PCschematic
In PCschematic you can create your own component databases. As an extra advantage, several leading component manufacturers have created their own component databases for the program. Beyond common component information - such as part number, descriptions, component manufacturer and prices - these databases contain both electrical and mechanical symbols for the individual components. Using the databases, you can therefore easily and safely create diagrams and mechanical drawings, and generate lists.

Along with the program comes PCschematics own database program. PCschematic can use Access databases directly, and is also open to database systems supported by BDE, MDAC or ODBC. Generally speaking, this enables you to use all major database systems in conjunction with PCschematic ELautomation - such as for instance MS-SQL and Oracle. Therefore, the databases can become an integrated part of the database system of your company.


Sub drawings w. Article data and Model data - and Automatic Project Generation
You can easily create sub drawings containing individual article data for each symbol in the sub drawing. You can then drag the sub drawings directly into all of your projects. When you drag a sub drawing into a project, you can furthermore select which model data to attach to the symbols in the sub drawing. This is called Module and Model Based Drag'n Draw in PCschematic. - See video.
Based on the sub drawings you can also generate projects on thousands of pages automatically.

Automatic update of all Lists
In PCschematic ELautomation you can design your own parts and components lists, terminals lists, PLC lists, cables lists, labels, connections lists and tables of contents on chapter and project level. These lists are updated automatically by the program, because of the intelligent electrical symbols. Unit drawings can also be a part of the projects. The lists can be created as pages in the projects, and as user-defined files, which can easily be imported into other systems - for instance as order files.

Intelligent Reference designations
In PCschematic ELautomation you can automatically assign reference designations on project, page, area and symbol level. When placing a symbol on a page or in an area with reference designations, the symbol is automatically assigned the reference designations of the page or area (EN 61346). Succeedingly you can have lists filled out according to the applied reference designations automatically.
When you edit a reference designation, the program can automatically perform consequence changes for the rest of the project. Even when you copy areas or pages containing reference designations, the used reference designations can be renamed intelligently.

Intelligent Chapter structure
You can furthermore structure your projects by applying PCschematics functions for creating chapters. Tables of contents and lists can be created for each individual chapter. You can also copy full chapters for pasting into other projects.

International Standards supported intelligently
In all parts of the program, much effort have been put into making it as easy as possible for you to structure the documentation, and at the same time do this according to the international standards for electrical documentation - almost without noticing it.
- Click to read an article about electrical standards and PCschematic ELautomation.

Importing and Exporting DWG / DXF drawings
You can import and export DWG and DXF files. However, only elements known by both programs are exchanged. - Click to read an article about AutoCAD and PCschematic ELatuomation.

Inserting OLE objects
Documents from for instance Word or Excel can be inserted directly on the project pages, because the program handles so-called OLE objects. If for instance you insert an AutoCAD document, you can draw on top of the inserted document.

Interface to PLC tools
You can interface to PLC tools as well as to dimensioning tools. During import from PLC tools, the connected PLC data are corrected directly on the diagrams - of course under strict control. PCschematic is so open, that you can design your own applications.

As a consequence of the many major customers, PCschematic has extended networks facilities, such as extended file security, flexible sharing of floating licences, tanking of licences and administrator control.

Languages and characters
The program exists in an English, a Danish, a Czech, a Polish, a Swedish, a Russian and a Chinese version. On-line manuals are also available. The program includes a number of character sets - for instance Russian, Polish, Czech and Baltic characters. Furthermore, a program for translation of project texts is included. In this program you can add new languages when necessary. PCschematic is used in more than 30 countries.

Repetitive Strain Injuries
To reduce the use of the mouse, PCschematic has included the program Mouse Chasing System, for learning program short-cuts while working. Short-cuts in the program are predominantly single keys - such as „s“ for „Symbols“. Click here to read an article about this.

See Videos about the program
Here on our website you can see videos that illustrates the advanced features in the program, as well as the more trivial functions that you will use every day, when you work with the program.
- Click to see the electrical CAD videos.

System requirements
Because PCschematic ELautomation is a stand-alone program, you do not need other programs than PCschematic ELautomation to create your electrical documentation. The program requires Windows and at least a 500MHz Pentium processor with 100MB RAM.

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